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THE FIRST WINERY IN NICARAGUA | at the Surf Ranch Resort | Emerald Coast

We met up at the Surf Ranch Resort, with Tony who owns Vibrant Vines Winery & The Frequency Winery, from our hometown in Kelowna, B.C, Canada. They won the worlds best white wine award at the Beverage Competition in Geneva, Switzerland and they were just recently featured on Netflix, on the show - Restaurants on the Edge - Season 2, Okanagan Valley, go watch it!

We will be starting the first winery in Nicaragua with Tony at the new Surf Ranch Resort on the Emerald Coast of Nicaragua, and in this video we discuss the potential mishaps and how we would be able to pull this off, as no one else has done it before in Nicaragua.

The Vibrant Vine Winery -

Surf Ranch Resort -

If you are interested in investing in the winery or resort, send us a message - or

THE FIRST WINERY IN NICARAGUA | at the Surf Ranch Resort | Emerald Coast Reviewed by Surf Ranch on July 08, 2020 Rating: 5


  1. What is the current status of the winery project in Feb 2022?

  2. It is the wine lovers' dream. To own a vineyard in Italy and enjoy the fruits of your labors by sitting under a leafy pergola on a warm summer's evening drinking a bottle or two from your very own harvest. wine vineyards


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